April showers bring May flowers. But in some places, the flowers are suffering from too much rain. With the changing of the weather, as it becomes more extreme because of (the world ending in 2012, global warming, childhood obesity, whatever), we are seeing more Spring rain than ever. In Portland, it rained 29 out of the 30 days in March -- delaying the annual tulip festival.
Just yesterday, a record tornado pulverized Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, and other surrounding towns in Alabama. Rain and destruction is abundant around the areas.
And here in New York? It's rained more than we'd like to think about this month. (It's more difficult than you think to get around in the rain in a walking-city!) In fact, the sky just opened up and began to pour. Again.
So what do we have to look forward to here? Being able to run through a field of tulips isn't exactly the outcome, but we are trying to keep things bright at the flower shop.

And since May is around the corner... MAYbe the rain will cease and give us some flowers. Some sunshine would be nice, too.
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